The Trend House Library
Here is a listing of some of the books and journals we have found that have featured information on the Trend House program, or on Canadian mid-century modernism in general. If you have any additional items to add to this listing please send the information to and we will add it to the page.
Periodicals & journals referencing the Trend House Program
- American Lumberman & Building Products Merchandiser, American Lumberman., 1953, p2
- Achieving the Modern: Canadian Abstract Painting and Design in the 1950s, Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1993, p 109,111,112
- British Columbia Lumberman, Volume 38, Journal of Commerce, 1954, p 56,70,80
- British Columbia Lumberman, Volume 39, Journal of Commerce, 1955, p 64,102
- Canadian Art, Volumes 10-11, Society for Art Publications., 1952 p 38
- Canadian Forest Industries, Volume 72, 1952 p 60
- Canadian Homes & Gardens, September 1952
- Canada Lumberman, Volume 75, Southam-Maclean., 1955 , p 66,108
- Canada Lumberman, Volume 80, Southam-Maclean., 1960 , p 68
- Canada Lumberman, Volume 78, Southam-Maclean., 1958, p 116,118, 331
- Decorative Art, Volume 43, The Studio., 1954, p 24
- Furnishings in the Trend House, Picture Loan Society, Toronto, National Gallery of Canada, British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association, 1954
- Foreign Trade, Volume 107-108, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, 1957, p 18
- Foreign Trade, Volume 113, Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce, 1960 p 24-26
- Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada, Volume 20, no 2, 1995, p 51-54 [SSAC_vol20_no2_Trend House Article PDF]
- Timber of Canada, Volume 14, Monetary Times Publications, 1953, p 37,38,46
- Timber of Canada, Volume 18, Monetary Times Publications, 1957, p 60,89,190
- The Timber Trades Journal and Saw-mill Advertiser, Volumes 210-211, T. De La Rue & Company, 1954, p 100, 1797, 1285
- The Timber Trades Journal and Saw-mill Advertiser, Volumes 210-211, T. De La Rue & Company, 1954, p 100, 1285, 1797
- Wood, Forestry, Marketing, Application, Volume 25 Tothill Press, 1960, p 3, 81, 182
Books referencing the Trend House Program
- Design in Canada: Fifty Years from Tea Kettles to Task Chairs, by Rachel Gotleib & Cora Golden, Key Porter books, 2005 []
- Endangered Species, by John Martins-Menteiga, Dominion Modern, 2007, p 32,87,89 [Dominion Modern]
- Modern furniture in Canada, 1920 to 1970 by Virginia Wright, University of Toronto Press, 1997, p 161 []
- Suburban Modern: Postwar Dreams in Calgary by Robert Stamp, TouchWood Editions, 2004 , p 98-100 []
- The Modern Eye: Craft and Design in Canada 1940-1980, by Allan Collier, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 2011 []
- The New Spirit: Modern Architecture in Vancouver, 1938-1963, Canadian Centre for Architecture, 1997, p 48, 118, 192 []